We are delighted to announce the extension of our promotion available on the larger range of Miele Professional Washing Machines, Tumble Dryers and Rotary Ironers. This will now run until the end of March 2021! Miele Professional’s equipment ensures the highest standard of hygiene and cleanliness for your laundry, and as an Approved Miele Professional Partner we are delighted to be able to offer these fantastic savings of up to 12% on selected laundry equipment. On top of the discounts available you can also benefit from:
- Cleanliness – finely tuned washing and drying programmes ensuring general laundry, towelling, cleaning textiles and clothing is cleaned thoroughly but gently
- Cost savings and environmentally friendly – highly efficient products which use a minimum of water, detergent and electricity to minimise cost and help protect the environment
- Hygiene and infection control – hygiene programmes which ensure infection control and hygiene is maximised to protect against germs, bacteria and viruses
- Quality – the highest quality of build, meaning the equipment is best in class and downtime is minimised
- Savings – on New Years deals with 12% off seeing £125 to £2300 off all Miele Professional’s equipment range
Please contact us for more information on 0113 257 2221 or email service@jtmservice.co.uk