It’s widely reported that Britain is in the midst of a housing crisis, with housebuilders struggling to meet the housing targets set by the Government.

As a result, it’s believed the standard of housebuilding is slipping, as housebuilders feel the pressure of having to deliver the 250,000 houses that are required in Britain each year.

According to a recent report carried out by YouGov for housing charity, Shelter, serious issues with new-builds are widespread and range from utility faults to construction. The same report also calls for affordable, yet good quality homes to be built going forward.

Quality control is clearly key within the housing sector and applies just as much to social housing as it does to privately-owned houses and rental properties.

However, just because the standard of housebuilding may be under scrutiny right now, doesn’t mean that the standard of the facilities that go with them, such as the commercial laundry systems, have to be too.

We’ve been working with housing associations for more than 30 years and understand only too well the importance of providing reliable industrial laundry systems that can withstand the pressure of being used day in, day out.

It’s what we specialise in – providing estates managers with nothing but peace of mind when it comes to ensuring their laundry systems won’t let them, or their tenants, down.

Over the years, we’ve helped countless housing associations:

  • Develop laundry rooms – with user-friendly, energy efficient washing machines, tumble dryers and detergent dispensers that factor in the latest health and safety regulations
  • Design their laundry rooms – which includes helping them select the most dependable and easy-to-use machines with the right wash programmes depending on their tenants’ needs
  • Deal with issues quickly and efficiently – thanks to our reliable maintenance service, which boasts a 94.6 per cent first-fix success rate, tenants don’t have to wait around to do their washing

Maintaining quality is a challenge that impacts most, if not all, aspects of social housing provision. However, by partnering with the right commercial laundry supplier, both you and your tenants can benefit from nothing, but guaranteed quality when it comes to your laundry service.

Got any questions or want to find out more about our industry-leading Comfort Care maintenance service? Contact our customer care team today for more details.