Our strategy team get together every quarter, and we always set ourselves “Rocks” – key strategic objectives to complete in the next 3 months. Yesterday we had a fantastic day at the beautiful Bowcliffe Hall in Bramham, where we reviewed how we have done over the last 3 months, celebrated our achievements, and set ourselves 4 new Rocks for this quarter. Having a clear long term and medium term strategy for JTM Service, and then breaking it down into shorter term goals, or “Rocks”, has been a key part of our success in recent times.

And why are they called “Rocks”? We can’t take credit for this I’m afraid, it’s part of the EOS system, and originally comes from Stephen Covey’s book, First Things First. If you have rocks, gravel, sand and water, and try to fit in a jar, which way do you need to do it? If you start with the small stuff, like gravel and sand, you won’t fit the rocks in. You need to start with the rocks, then the smaller things fall into place around them. So we start with our “Rocks”!

We look forward to getting together in 3 months’ time to review how we’ve done and set our next Rocks!