Our strategy team got together this week at Rudding Park Hotel, in North Yorkshire. We reviewed our strategy, celebrate our achievements, and looked forward with excitement to the coming year and beyond!
During the day we discussed:
- Our Values of Heart, Drive and Integrity– we re-affirmed how vital these are, and we held ourselves to account on these
- Customer service – we discussed our pride in the testimonials we receive, and challenged ourselves to strive to always be better
- Our purpose of “Helping businesses keep clean, healthy and safe”
- Our 10 year plan – we reviewed our BHAG (big hairy audacious goals!)
- Our 3 year and 1 year plans – we updated our 3 year plan and set our goals for the next 12 months
- Our Quarterly Rocks – we agreed our “Rocks” (strategic goals) for the next 3 months, and took ownership of them
A fantastic day, what an amazing team, and exciting times at JTM Service!