What is your job title?

Installation Engineer.

What attracted you to join JTM Service?

The Values of Heart, Drive and Integrity stood out for me. I like that we are there for each other no matter what, and that it is a real team feeling.

Why did you join JTM Service?

I joined JTM Service because I was looking for a job within the trade industry, and by joining JTM Service, it gave me the opportunity to cover multiple aspects of this!

What did you do before JTM Service?

I worked for Yorkshire Ambulance Service as an Ambulance Practitioner. I attended 999 calls to the general public. I did this for around 7 years.

How have you found it at JTM Service?

I’ve loved every minute since joining. I’ve been welcomed by all the team and the installation guys have taken me under their wing and showed me the ropes! I also like the family feel to JTM Service, staff are looked after really well, and the benefits are really good – such as private health care which has just been rolled out to staff.

What does your role involve?

I work as an Installation Engineer which means I install commercial laundry machines and dishwashers. The customer is usually very happy to see us and offers a cuppa the second we walk through the door!

Tell us more about your family.

I have a fiancé and 2 girls. My girls are at primary school and keep me on my toes! All of my girls are dancers, and I watch them dance at competitions. The bar is usually open though!

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

I’ve played rugby since I was about 6 years old. I took some time off a few years back after an injury, but I’ve recently started playing again. I took up golf when I was injured but I’m terrible at it, I don’t think you’ll see me on the PGA Tour anytime soon.

What is the best holiday you have had?

I’ve not ventured very far on holiday, but my best holiday is either Newquay, camping in a tent with the family, or Benidorm last year for my 30th, I don’t seem to remember much about that one though!

What’s on your bucket list?

I would love to travel to Australia to watch South Sydney Rabbitohs play rugby! 

Any other interesting fact about you?

I had a brief appearance on the TV programme 999 – Rescue Squad when I worked for the Ambulance. I’m sure I could find which episode it was. I only charge £10 for autographs!