Planned & Preventative Maintenance

If your commercial washing machine, tumble dryer, ironer or dishwasher breaks down this can have a huge impact on your business. Preventative Maintenance of commercial laundry equipment and dishwashers help ensure they remain efficient, reduces downtime, maintains hygiene and infection control, and reduces repair costs. Maintenance ensures your equipment stays in the best shape possible and is the best-practice method to keep your equipment in good working order.

The benefits of planned preventative maintenance include:

  • Minimise downtime by prevention rather than waiting for breakdowns
  • Extend the life of the equipment
  • Significant savings – prevent expensive repair bills and also reduce energy costs from inefficient running of the machines
  • Ensure maximum hygiene and infection control
  • Help maintain compliance and meet your duty of care
  • Customer and resident satisfaction

At JTM Service we have a team of experienced, qualified engineers who offer a thorough service for all commercial laundry equipment and dishwashers. Our preventative maintenance visit includes:

  • Condition assessment – an overall assessment of the condition of the equipment
  • Check all critical components are working properly and are in good working condition
  • A report to confirm the condition and demonstrate the results of the maintenance visit and that best practice has been followed
  • Where a repair is required, identification and advice on this

For more information on how JTM Service can support you please contact us on 0113 2572221 or