At JTM Service we want to make a difference, protect the environment and take care of our planet. We are therefore really excited to announce our new partnership with MoreTrees!

MoreTrees and JTM Service

At JTM Service we continuously work towards ensuring a more sustainable future, and working in partnership with MoreTrees is one of the ways we can do this. MoreTrees work with tree planting partners across the world, working with local communities to restore healthy forests.

We started working with MoreTrees in December 2022 and since then we are proud to have:

  • planted 215 TREES
  • this equates to 64.5 tonnes of future CO2 ‘sequestration’
  • this is the equivalent to the sequestration of 157,573 miles worth of emissions in a standard car

What Is Sequestration?

Climate change is harming our planet, and carbon dioxide is one of the biggest drivers of climate change. All plants can capture and absorb carbon dioxide while releasing oxygen in its place, but due to their size, roots and life span, trees are particularly effective at this. Sequestration is the name for this removal of carbon dioxide from the air, and by planting trees now, we help sequester future CO2 emissions.

One tree can offset approximately 0.3 tonnes of CO2 over its growth life, which is equivalent to the CO2 emissions from driving 732.9 miles in a standard car!

Other Benefits of Working With MoreTrees

The planting of trees also helps support local communities by providing work and improving crop yield. It also supports different species of animals and plants, and tree planting helps healthy forests re-emerge, purfying water supplies and controlling flooding.

JTM Service Virtual Forest

We are committed to working with MoreTrees in the long term, as part of our ongoing commitment to sustainability. To track our progress on tree planting with MoreTrees please take a look at our very own ‘Virtual Forest’ page here: